This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Working with LaTeX: Glossary

Key Points

Simple Text Document
  • Comment text with %

  • Create a simple document with documentclass

  • Distinguish preamble from begin{document}end{document}

  • Use a maketitle section.

  • Use various document classes such as article, report, and beamer

  • Import a custom .cls file

  • Use the non-standard library `import{textcase}’

  • Use a command from an imported library ‘MakeTextUppercase’

  • Export a compiled document as a PDF

Continued Formatting
  • Separate a single paragraph into two with a double return

  • Break lines manually using \

  • Change the typeface to courier

  • Change text size with Large

  • Format with textbf, textit, underline, emph

  • Create Sections in a document with section

  • Align some text to the right with raggedright

  • Create hyphenation for new words with hyphenation

  • Use ` and ‘ to create proper quotes

  • Use % to display percentages

  • Create a diacritic character such as ^o

  • Properly use an em and an en dash

  • Force a nonbreaking space with ~

Images and Floats
  • Create an image within a float with figure and includegraphics

  • Use graphicx to include a non-eps vector image in a float

  • Add a caption to the floated image with caption

  • Change the position of a float on the page with h, t, b, p, and !

  • Change how the text is wrapped around the float with wrapfigure

  • Alter the size of an image within a float using height and width options

  • Add multiple graphics to a single float using subfigure

  • Caption each subfigure with the subcaption library

LaTeX Lists and Tables
  • Convert text to a bulleted list with itemize

  • Convert sequential to a numbered list with enumerate

  • Define terms with a description list

  • Create a basic table with tabular

  • Justify cells with l, c, and r

  • Position text within cells vertically with t, c, and b

  • Use p to wrap lines of text within a cell

  • Create vertical barriers between columns with |

  • Create horizontal barriers between rows with hline

  • Use multicolumn and multirow to make joined cells

  • Adjust the size scale of a table using resizebox

  • Influence page position with float positioning arguments h, t, b, and p

LaTeX Math
  • Activate the math environment with equation

  • Activate the in-line math mode with $

  • Use the math environment without creating a numbered equation using equation* and []

  • Enter Greek symbols such as phi with escape sequencies in math mode

  • Distinguish super- and sub- levels of script with ^ and _

  • Create an integral with int which is bound by text using ^ and _

  • Recognize that mathematical symbols such as cos and sin must be escaped sequences

  • Use left(, right(, and similar brace sequences to dynamically bound math

  • Create fractions with the frac command instead of /

  • Align a multistep sequence using the align and split environments using & helpers

  • Include plaintext portions of aligned math using the array environment with &{} helpers

  • Break a long equation up with multline

Cross-referencing, Citations, and BibTeX
  • Create a Table of Contents with tableofcontents

  • Create a List of Figures with lisfoffigures

  • Create a List of Tables with listoftables

  • Prevent a section from being counted using *

  • Change how deep sections are counted using setcounter{tocdepth}

  • Declare a region of sections to be numbered as Appendices with appendix

  • Reference a figure number in text by labeling it with label and calling it with ref

  • Create a BibTeX entry manually with bibitem within thebibliography environment

  • Create a bibliography in the text with bibliography and bibliographystyle

  • Import a premade .bib file with bibliography

  • Create an inline citation number with cite

  • Place a citation in a footnote using footnote{cite{}}

  • Change they way the citation appears with natbib


A value given to a function or command when it runs.
escape sequence
markdown language
math mode
additive color model
A way to represent colors as the sum of contributions from primary colors such as red, green, and blue.
Treating text as if upper and lower case characters of the same letter were the same. See also: case-sensitive.
Treating text as if upper and lower case characters of the same letter are different. See also: case-insensitive.
A remark in a program that is intended to help human readers understand what is going on, but is ignored by the computer. Comments in Python, R, and the Unix shell start with a # character and run to the end of the line; comments in SQL start with --, and other languages have other conventions.
default value
A value to use for a parameter if nothing is specified explicitly.
Human-language text written to explain what software does, how it works, or how to use it.
A group of instructions (i.e., lines of code) that transform some input arguments to some output.
function call
A use of a function in another piece of software.
To load a library into a program.
A whole number, such as -12343.
A family of code units (functions, classes, variables) that implement a set of related tasks.
A variable named in the function’s declaration that is used to hold a value passed into the call. The term is often used interchangeably (and inconsistently) with argument.
An additive model that represents colors as combinations of red, green, and blue. Each color’s value is typically in the range 0..255 (i.e., a one-byte integer).
syntax error
A programming error that occurs when statements are in an order or contain characters not expected by the programming language.
The sequence of function calls that led to an error.
A value that has a name associated with it.