Simple Text Document
Comment text with %
Create a simple document with documentclass
Distinguish preamble from begin{document} … end{document}
Use a maketitle section.
Use various document classes such as article , report , and beamer
Import a custom .cls file
Use the non-standard library `import{textcase}’
Use a command from an imported library ‘MakeTextUppercase’
Export a compiled document as a PDF
Continued Formatting
Separate a single paragraph into two with a double return
Break lines manually using \
Change the typeface to courier
Change text size with Large
Format with textbf , textit , underline , emph
Create Sections in a document with section
Align some text to the right with raggedright
Create hyphenation for new words with hyphenation
Use ` and ‘ to create proper quotes
Use % to display percentages
Create a diacritic character such as ^o
Properly use an em and an en dash
Force a nonbreaking space with ~
Images and Floats
Create an image within a float with figure and includegraphics
Use graphicx to include a non-eps vector image in a float
Add a caption to the floated image with caption
Change the position of a float on the page with h , t , b , p , and !
Change how the text is wrapped around the float with wrapfigure
Alter the size of an image within a float using height and width options
Add multiple graphics to a single float using subfigure
Caption each subfigure with the subcaption library
LaTeX Lists and Tables
Convert text to a bulleted list with itemize
Convert sequential to a numbered list with enumerate
Define terms with a description list
Create a basic table with tabular
Justify cells with l , c , and r
Position text within cells vertically with t , c , and b
Use p to wrap lines of text within a cell
Create vertical barriers between columns with |
Create horizontal barriers between rows with hline
Use multicolumn and multirow to make joined cells
Adjust the size scale of a table using resizebox
Influence page position with float positioning arguments h , t , b , and p
LaTeX Math
Activate the math environment with equation
Activate the in-line math mode with $
Use the math environment without creating a numbered equation using equation* and []
Enter Greek symbols such as phi with escape sequencies in math mode
Distinguish super- and sub- levels of script with ^ and _
Create an integral with int which is bound by text using ^ and _
Recognize that mathematical symbols such as cos and sin must be escaped sequences
Use left( , right( , and similar brace sequences to dynamically bound math
Create fractions with the frac command instead of /
Align a multistep sequence using the align and split environments using & helpers
Include plaintext portions of aligned math using the array environment with &{} helpers
Break a long equation up with multline
Cross-referencing, Citations, and BibTeX
Create a Table of Contents with tableofcontents
Create a List of Figures with lisfoffigures
Create a List of Tables with listoftables
Prevent a section from being counted using *
Change how deep sections are counted using setcounter{tocdepth}
Declare a region of sections to be numbered as Appendices with appendix
Reference a figure number in text by labeling it with label and calling it with ref
Create a BibTeX entry manually with bibitem within thebibliography environment
Create a bibliography in the text with bibliography and bibliographystyle
Import a premade .bib file with bibliography
Create an inline citation number with cite
Place a citation in a footnote using footnote{cite{}}
Change they way the citation appears with natbib