This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Working with LaTeX: TeX Math Symbols

This page lists the symbols available to the default math mode in LaTeX.


Symbol Script Symbol Script
= = \neq
\doteq \equiv
\approx \cong
\simeq \sim


Symbol Script Symbol Script
< < > >
\leq \geq
\ll \gg


Symbol Script Symbol Script Symbol Script
\in \ni \bigtriangleup
\notin ¬ \neg \bigtriangledown
\cap \cup \triangleleft
\sqcap \sqcup \triangleright
\wedge \land \vee \lor   \bigcirc
\exists \nexists \bullet
\wr \uplus \forall
· \cdot \diamond    

Set Equalities/Inequalities

Symbol Script Symbol Script
\subset \supset
\subseteq \supseteq
\nsubseteq \nsupseteq
\sqsubset \sqsupset
\sqsubseteq \sqsupseteq
\preceq \succeq
\prec \succ
\propto \models
\vdash \dashv

Set Logic

Symbol Script Symbol Script
\rightarrow \to \leftarrow \gets
\Rightarrow \implies \LeftRightarrow
\leftrightarrow \iff
\top \bot
\emptyset \varnothing

Geometric Relationships

Symbol Script Symbol Script Symbol Script
\parallel \nparallel \sphericalangle
\asymp \bowtie \measuredangle
\smile \frown \perp

Binary Operators

Symbol Script Symbol Script
± \pm \mp
× \times ÷ \div
\ast \star
\dagger \ddagger
Symbol Script Symbol Script
\oplus \odot
\ominus \circ
\otimes \setminus
\oslash   \amalg


Symbol Script Symbol Script
\mid \mid
| |
{ { \left{ } } \right}
( \left( ) \right)
[ \left[ ] \right]
\uparrow \downarrow
\Uparrow \Downarrow
\langle \rangle
/ / \ \backslash
\lceil \rceil
\lfloor \rfloor

Greek Characters

Symbol Script Symbol Script
𝛢 𝛼 \Alpha \alpha 𝛮 𝜈 \Nu \nu
𝛣 𝛽 \Beta \beta 𝛯 𝜉 \Xi \xi
𝛤 𝛾 \Gamma \gamma 𝛰 𝜊 \Omicron \omicron
𝛥 𝛿 \Delta \delta 𝛱 𝜋 𝜛 \Pi \pi \varpi
𝛦 𝜀 ϵ \Epsilon \epsilon \varepsilon 𝛲 𝜌 𝜚 \Rho \rho \varrho
𝛧 𝜁 \Zeta \zeta 𝛴 𝜎 \Sigma \sigma \varsigma
𝛨 𝜂 \Eta \eta 𝛵 𝜏 \Tau \tau
𝛩 𝜃 𝜗 \Theta \theta \vartheta 𝛶 𝜐 \Upsilon \upsilon
𝛪 𝜄 \Iota \iota 𝛷 𝜙 𝜑 \Phi \phi \varphi
𝛫 𝜅 𝜘 \Kappa \kappa \varkappa 𝛸 𝜒 \Chi \chi
𝛬 𝜆 \Lambda \lambda 𝛹 𝜓 \Psi \psi
𝛭 𝜇 \Mu \mu 𝛺 𝜔 \Omega \omega

n-ArrayOperators, Functions, Integrals, and Other Characters

Symbol Script Symbol Script Symbol Script
\partial \sum \int
ð \eth \prod \oint
\hbar \coprod \iint
  \imath \bigoplus \iiint
  \jmath \bigotimes \iiiint
\ell \bigodot ∫⋯∫ \idotsint
\Re \bigcup \aleph
\Im \bigcap \beth
\wp \biguplus \gimel
\nabla \bigsqcup    
\Box \bigvee    
\infty \bigwedge    

Trigonometric Functions (author’s note, no Unicode equivalents)

Symbol Script Symbol Script Symbol Script Symbol Script
sin \sin sin⁻¹ \arcsin sinh \sinh sec \sec
cos \cos cos⁻¹ \arccos cosh \cosh csc \csc
tan \tan tan⁻¹ \arctan tanh \tanh    
cot \cot cot⁻¹ \arccot coth \coth