A C++ Control and GUI for the LunAero moon tracking robot
LunAero is a hardware and software project using OpenCV to automatically track birds as they migrate in front of the moon. This repository contains information related to the construction of LunAero hardware and the software required for running the moon tracking program. Bird detection has "migrated" to a new repository at
Created by , working in the lab of -S-Bridge.
The LunAero_C repository is an updated version of the LunAero robotics software. The previous implementation (archived at was a Python 3 script which operated hardware based on the ODROID N2 single board computer. This updated version is C++ code designed for the Raspberry Pi v3, and includes many improvements, additional features, and is generally more mature code.
This new version of LunAero requires a Raspberry Pi v3 single board computer. We recommend running this on the Raspbian operating system, although most linux distros should work fine (untested, so use at your own risk). The reason we require v3 hardware is the addition of USB 3 slots over previous versions of the Raspberry Pi which only included USB 2.
A USB 3 drive with a minimum real transfer rate of 200 MB/s is required for this hardware. Due to the large size of long term high quality video recorded by LunAero, this transfer rate is a must. You should check that your drive actually performs at this speed. Some hard disk manufacturers might claim transfer speeds of "up to" the USB 3 maximum rate (625 MB/s) without actually being able to get anywhere near this speed.
Unsure of your hard drive transfer rate? On linux systems you can use this command to test it:
The real-time transfer rate is printed on the terminal. Press ctrl
to stop the script and use:
to remove the junkfile you created.
Whatever you do, avoid storing video on the SD card! Even if you have a giant SD card with a ton of space, the technology underlying the SD card is fragile for frequent writes and rewrites. Saving large videos to your SD card is a good way to damage it, corrupting your OS. So avoid storing video on the SD card!
This installation uses a Raspberry Pi camera module. Currently, there is no implementation for USB cameras and no support for this is planned. The software makes use of Raspbian's raspivid
command to handle recording video. We have tried v1 and v2 Raspberry Pi camera modules and had no problems. Fancy cameras such as the IR camera module have not been tested.
A TB6612FNG breakout board is required to control two motors. If you don't have one of these laying around (we made our own board in house), you can get them from Sparkfun
This hardware implementation requires two low speed/high torque 5V motors. We used 0.5 rpm motors purchased from Amazon (uxcell DC 5V 0.5RPM Worm Gear Motor 6mm Shaft High Torque Turbine Reducer). If you change motors, be sure that the CAD designs match the drill holes required for the motor to attach to the plastic.
This project include designs for plastic parts to be cut from 1/4" acrylic plastic and 1/8" acetal plastic. You can change these materials if you like. E.g. it would be reasonable to swap the acetal for some of the 1/4" acyrlic if you are low on funds. HOWEVER, the acetal makes much better gears and will give you much smoother motion.
Hardware updates are planned, but the current version uses most of the original design, which can be found at .
The CAD files in the 2D CAD folder are used to construct parts for LunAero including gears and mounting brackets. The parts are designed to be cut on a laser CNC machine. They can also be used as templates for cutting on a band saw or using another CNC machine.
The units are in mm for all parts.
Part files can be found at: .
Assembly information can be found at: .
To follow my instructions, you need to use the Linux terminal, where you can copy and paste the following scripts. To open the Linux terminal, press ctrl
or click the icon on the Raspbian desktop.
When you install this for the first time on to a 'blank' Raspberry Pi, you will need certain repositories installed to make it. Use the following command in your terminal (Note: this looks way more daunting than it really is, your Raspberry Pi will have most of these installed with a default Raspbian configuration):
Next, use git
to pull this repository. I recommend saving it to a location to makes sense, so in the following example, I am pulling it to the Documents
folder in the Raspberry Pi home directory. Once the LunAero git
repository is pulled, you can compile it. To do this, execute the lines in the terminal:
This script downloads the everything you need to compile the program from this git
repository. Once you have the repository on your Raspberry Pi and have installed all of the relevant packages from the apt
command above, enter the LunAero_C folder, and issue the following command:
The make
command follows the instructions from the Makefile
to compile your program. If you ever make changes to the source material, remember to edit the Makefile
to reflect changes to the packages used or the required C++ files. If make
runs correctly, your terminal will print some text that looks like g++ blah blah -o LunAero_Moontracker
spanning a few lines. If the output is significantly longer than that and includes words like ERROR or WARNING, something may have gone wrong, and you should read the error messages to see if something needs to be fixed.
Hooray! You compiled a file called LunAero_Moontracker
. When you are ready to run the program, you can type the command:
and the program will run. Alternatively, you can create a desktop icon by copying the file execution_script/C_LunAero_Moontracker
from this git
repository to your desktop. Note that this script assumes you pulled this git
repository to the Documents folder, so you will need to edit the link in the file if you installed things in another location. We recommend the following steps to run the program well:
A file called settings.cfg
has been provided to give the user the ability to modify settings without needing to recompile. Before running, LunAero for the first time, it is prudent to check that you are happy with the default settings. This is especially true for the General Settings at to top of the file.
You will likely need to edit the DRIVE_NAME
setting. This should be the name you have assigned to the USB drive you are saving video to. The default is MOON1
. This means that the program will try to save video to the drive located at /media/$USER/MOON1/
. The program won't work if you have this setting incorrect.
Before you run LunAero, you should confirm that the date and time of your system is correct. This is a very important step since LunAero saves videos based on the system time, and during analysis, an accurate time stamp is necessary. We recommend single second accuracy for of your system time prior to starting. You should also check that your Raspberry Pi is configured for the correct timezone for the location you are operating in. The most reliable way to check these values on Linux is to open a terminal and use:
The Raspberry Pi v3 automatically updates the system time when connected to the internet. If you are somewhere without access to the internet (out birding in the middle of nowhere maybe), you will need to update the time and date manually. To set the date to July 20th, 1969 at 10:56:20 pm (The official time that Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon), you would use:
To set the timezone on your Raspberry Pi, you need to enter the config screen, select "Localization Options", and "Change Timezone". To edit the config, use the Raspberry Pi config tool from the terminal with:
On small screens, similar to the ones recommended by the LunAero hardware specs, it may be difficult to see how "good" your video looks using only LunAero_Moontracker
. This is because the preview window in LunAero_Moontracker
is only 1/4 the size of the display! For your convenience, we have added a small Python script which shows a much larger preview window. In your terminal, execute:
The first screen displays instructions for how to use this script. You are able to use directional keys to adjust the scope position, space
to stop the movement, i
to cycle the ISO setting of the camera, and the keys g
and b
to increase and decrease the shutter speed, respectively. Press q
at any time to exit the script. Use the large preview window which the script shows to adjust your scope for zoom and focus. The image should be as sharp as possible, and the moon should not be larger than the preview window. A red border is present on the preview to assist you in finding the edge of the screen, useful when you are comparing a night sky to the black background of the screen.
Once you have confirmed the time is correct, run the program. Upon startup, you will enter "manual mode". In this mode, you are able to adjust the direction your scope is pointing and a few camera settings. In "manual mode", the bottom center of the screen includes a preview window overlayed on the GUI which shows what the camera sees like a viewfinder.
Take the following steps:
key.Once you are happy with the settings, and pressed Enter
to run automatic mode, just step away. Watch with joy and wonder as the scope automatically follows the moon as it moves across the sky. LunAero is recording everything that happens in view of the scope now. You can walk away from it and it will continue recording. Be sure to check that the weather is good and you are in a secure location. Members of the LunAero team are not responsible for anything that happens to your scope if left outside during inclement weather or sticky fingers.
LunAero saves video data to folders on your output USB drive with the following formula: /media/$USER/DRIVE_NAME/YYYYMMDDHHmmSS/*.h264
These output files are raw video footage not in a standard "container". You need special codecs to view the video. We recommend the program VLC ( for easiest use. This is an open-source program available for all OS's. If you would like to view videos on your Raspberry Pi, use the following commands to install it:
Something always goes wrong. It is the way of things. When something inevitably does go wrong with LunAero program, you should first check the logs. If the setting DEBUG_COUT
in settings.cfg
is set to true
the program will attempt to save a log file in the same directory where the videos are saved for each run. This is very detailed, so searching for keywords like WARNING
are suggested.
If there is no log file saved where you would expect it and you have checked that your debug settings are correct, there may have been a problem when writing the log file. Did you see a little notification pop up near the top right of the screen? If you see one of those, it means there was a problem before the log file could be written. Check that you have the correct drive name saved to DRIVE_NAME
in the settings. Check to see if the path looks correct. In terminal type
In the output you should see DRIVE_NAME
. If you also see something which looks like DRIVE_NAME
_1, then something went wrong mounting the drive. Safely eject and disconnect all drives on the Raspberry Pi. Run the ls
command again. If you still see DRIVE_NAME
variants WITH THE DRIVE NOT CONNECTED, you need to remove them.
Be careful with that command. If drives are still connected, you risk data loss by using it. Once the offending false mount points are removed, try connecting your drive again.
This problem usually occurs when drives are incorrectly removed and re-mounted. Linux is very persnickety when it comes to mounting drives. Be sure to eject prior to disconnecting a drive if the Raspberry Pi is running. It is best to have the power disconnected any time you want to remove or add a drive.
If you need help, raise an Issue on this git
repository with descriptive information so the package maintainer can help you.
As of June 21st, 2019, the original Python software for tracking birds in video of the moon has been migrated to a new repository at, although work on this version has been discontinued in favor of C++. The new version may be found at .
The source code is documented with the Doxygen
standard. Every function and most variables are heavily commented to make it easy for you. You can view the documentation online by going to: .